Solving Real World Problems

SCQ brings corporate partners together with QIS experts, researchers, students, and application developers to solve real-world problems.

We have the industry and academic connections to bring together quantum technologies and research opportunities.

Reshaping South Carolina

Quantum research and technology have the potential to reshape South Carolina's economy by introducing operational efficiencies and problem-solving capabilities.

Quantum-Smart Workforces

To remain globally competitive, companies need a quantum-smart workforce. Our initial goal is to retain talent. Long-term, we will be a destination for quantum innovation.

Leveraging Partnerships

Our partnerships:

  • Instill and maintain a competitive edge and mindset
  • Identify high-caliber quantum talent
  • Establish a globally competitive quantum workforce in South Carolina
    By bringing business and education together we set the conditions for quantum startups to have a
    competitive advantage here in South Carolina.

    Wanna Quantum?TM
